Graduation Day! Congrats Groups 26 & 27

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2024

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our recent Graduation event in Melbourne, a truly unforgettable day that marked a significant milestone for the students of Group 26 & 27 in our Certificate IV in Interior Decoration course.

Celebrating Success

It was a celebration filled with pride, joy, and a strong sense of community as our graduates gathered with their trainers, loved ones, and fellow students to celebrate their hard-earned accomplishments.

A Gathering to Remember

With around 80 guests in attendance, this event was one of our largest and most meaningful yet. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity for our trainers Melissa Rettore and Mel Bailey to finally meet in person with the learners they’ve been guiding throughout the year. The face-to-face interactions, the shared stories, and the collective sense of achievement made the day truly special.


A Feast for the Senses

We owe a special thanks to Hamed's Persian Catering and Salamatea House for the exquisite grazing table that was the centrepiece of our celebration. The dedication to community and the beautiful way they showcased their cultural and culinary heritage added a layer of richness and meaning to the event. The flavours, the presentation, and the spirit of generosity they brought to the table were deeply appreciated by all.

A Toast to Success

Of course, no celebration would be complete without a toast to the future. We were delighted to offer our guests the stunning floral bottles of Prosecco from Tread Lightly, which quickly became a hit at the event. For those who preferred a non-alcoholic option, Tread Lightly’s delightful alternative was equally enjoyed, ensuring that everyone could join in the celebration.


To Our Graduates: The Future Awaits

To our amazing graduates, we want to say how incredibly proud we are of your dedication, creativity, and perseverance. Your hard work has paid off, and we are excited to see where your journey takes you next. Whether you’re embarking on new professional ventures, continuing your studies, or exploring new creative horizons, we know that you are well-prepared to make your mark on the world.

A heartfelt thank you also goes out to the families and friends who travelled from across Australia to support and celebrate with our graduates. Your encouragement and presence made the day even more meaningful.

Here’s to the Journey Ahead

As we reflect on this wonderful event, we are filled with excitement for what the future holds for our graduates. The bonds formed, the knowledge gained, and the experiences shared during their studies will serve as a strong foundation for the incredible journey ahead.


Here’s to your future success, Group 26 & 27! We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will achieve. 🎓✨

Special thanks to: 


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